Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today I introduce tennis`s history.

The history of tennis will go back to the century [ 15th ] B.C. In Egypt, it is carried out as one of the religious acts, and the mural painting on which the figure of people who hit each other's ball was drawn is discovered. This ball game was transmitted from Egypt to the Roman Empire empire, and became what asks the direct ancestor of the present tennis.
It generated in France around the 8th century, was called "La・So-yu" at the beginning, and was behind established with the France aristocrat's play. It is said that the reason in which this ball game prospered in France began from the priest of Christianity having had and copied interest to what the Muslim was performing as a religious act like the Egypt age. It still hits each other's ball with a palm or a glove at the time, and it is called Italy in the 14th century
that the prototype of the present racket appeared.

The old tennis court was located in the cloister, and the wall and the inclined ceiling surrounded the four quarters, and it was larger than the coat of present-day lawn tennis.
What existing is little, although it was much in fashion among the aristocrats of Europe from the 18th century to the 19th century and many coats were built. Unlike many other sports, the history of lawn tennis is short. Major Walter Crompton Wingfield (Britain) devised lawn tennis in December, 1873 as entertainment which delights the visitor invited when a garden party was opened in its landed property. It spread quickly focusing on the leisured classes of Britain or the United States around from the second half of the 19th century.
The 1st Wimbledon championship by 22 amateur athletes was held in London on July 19, 1877. The U.S. national lawn tennis association standardized the rule, and it systematized the game in 1881. The 1st convention of the "United States singles championship" was held in Newport in 1881, and the "United States woman singles championship" started in 1887. These are the prototypes of present U.S. Open. The Davis Cup of the confrontation game classified by country of boy tennis started in 1900.
History of tennis of Japan As for the beginning of the tennis in Japan, lawn tennis has spread through Yokohama in 1876. This will hit, two years after the Wingfield proof acquires a patent. Since supply of tools was difficult, it devised the software (soft type) tennis unique to Japan using a rubber ball, and it developed uniquely. The engineer of the Mita ground rubber will create the rubber ball for tennis for the first time in 1890, and tennis will spread from this even in Japan. Then, Keio adopted tennis formally in 1913 and it became the cause for tennis to spread among Japanese people.
In 1877, two owners of the "all England croquet club" located in London suburban Wimbledon will make and put the rule of new lawn tennis on the market with the designer of a ball paying attention to the ball. Seemingly, at this time, there was patent dispute among Major Wingfield. The "all England croquet club" changed the name to the "all England croquet and lawn tennis club", and held the tournament by the amateur athlete based on a new rule. the historical game used as this 1st Wimbledon gathers July 19, 1877, 22 participating players (boy singles), and 200 spectators (at the time of the final), and is held. The materials of a racket are also a leather string from an empty hand, and a glove in a time, Development of the bicycle industry after developing like a implement and entering especially in the 19th century made processing of rubber and iron easy, and is greatly concerned with development of modern tennis.


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