Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Modern tennis

Last week,I introduced tennis`s history. Today I introduce modern tennis.I will talk about a change to the modern tennis. Tenis`s change is a thing about a finer change of a racket, a play style, etc.

 First, I describe change of a racket. Primitive ages were wooden rackets. There are some which were made from the bamboo in part, and to flip was made better than a tree. Then, what contained the fiber in steel, an aluminum alloy, a titanium system, graphite, resin, or resin, and the composite material which combined further resin with which character is different came to be used. While the jump of a ball became good, it contributed to the weight saving of the racket. Unlike the tree, temperature, humidity, and distortion were lost. There is no large change to there about area. But, the area of the portion which stretches a gut increased. The frame`s thickness becomes thicker and thicker, and the more it is thick, the more the speed of a ball goes up. Although what was made from the intestines of the sheep was using all the guts of the old racket, the thing using a synthetic fiber is popularity now. Now, "nylon" and the gut of "polyester" are in use. This is because nylon and polyester are cheaper.The speed of the ball went up by progress of the technology of a racket. Moreover, since it became light, it becomes easy to give a child. The quality of tennis also changed by progress in a racket, and tennis lovers also increased.

Second, I descrive change of people who do tennis.Although it was the sport which only the aristocrat was performing a long time ago, it spread also among people gradually. As the background, the price of rackets having become cheap and people become rich. It became a sport which anyone can do it now.
 Third, I descrive change of technique.Although the old pro's player was fighting backhand single hand, it began to become the mainstream after the player who strikes backhand with both hands at a certain time appeared. And the play style to do topspin is applied by a forehand with a time and which is pushed by power became in use more.

 Last, Idescrive change of tennis`s populality. The popularity of tennis increased with the time. Although it was unpopular in the time when no television is also still, it was taken up by media, such as television and a newspaper, and tennis became a sport nearer to people and also went up people's name recognition. Shuzo Matsuoka raised the popularity and notability of tennis. He raised many distinguished services in the convention in the world. About that, it will write with a next report. Although the popularity and notability of tennis went up thanks to him, the popularity from a small child also increased the influence of the anime "The prince of tennis." There are also very many people of having seen the anime among the persons of the age like the present college student and a high school student, and having begun tennis. And Kei Nishikori played tennis famous further in recent years. He records the Japanese successive generation highest ranking, and is still continuing progress. Their activity is raising the popularity of tennis.
 I talked about tennis`s history by the present last week and I talked tennis`s change in this week . I think that I will talk about the top player in the world next week.
 See you next week.


  1. Do you play tennis today?
    Okesho will play it in FOREST court today (wara).

    1. I want to play tennis today,but I must do chemical experiment.
      If I finish early, I will go to the forest`s court.

    2. Oh!! I wish your experiment finish early(^v^).

  2. Your blog is interesting!
    I think you like tennis. I have seen tennis on TV.
    By the way, who is the first place world ranking?
    I want to know!!

    1. Thank you for commenting on my blog!
      Now, Novak Djokovic is number.1 tennis player.
      In university of Tsukuba, I think Sho Oketani is number.1 tennis player!

    2. Well...I think if Oketani is best condition, he can win Djokovic!

  3. Is it popular to play tennis on headband like Shuzo?
    How popular is tennis in Japan now?
    What improvement is done to racket lately?
    I learn the history of tennis by your blog. I become to want to learn more about tennis.
    It may be better to make photo bigger.
